
Ain't Big Blogger, eh?

After taking time to looked at some friends' blogs in a quite while, and realized they were more blogger than I was (last post was a while ago,eh?). Time to make some post that came once in while, just way I was :)

Lately, its mainly going to sweatshop everydays and waiting to see if I was able to get in school in the wintertime for second degree. Other than that, the Rochy either saw me somewhere in downtown or Borders or
out of the town on the weekends. The weekend before last weekend, 195 and I went to his family home for Canadian Thanksgiving. Always will be happy to be in Canada and met his siblings at last. Sure liked his family, good humour people not some mean, overprotective people that eyed and sized me up, figuring whats best way to get rid of me :) TOFURKEY actually was good, it wont bite you to try literally! :)

Last weekend, went for camping (originally backpacking but short wknd so...) at Keuka Lake State Park. Its small park where its very quiet and peaceful, far from metal animals that zoomed down roads, emitting toxic smoke, occasically swerve to hit and bulk boxy things that never moved, where lot of people were saw going in with pocket full of money and came out empty-pockets, armful of things that would probably visit landfill by end of the year.
Ok, you got the picture so its good to get away from those from time to time, rite? Take look at this lovely place...... Cant wait for the wintertime (I know some of you groaned, heh) Maybe some winter camp? Snowshoe hiking? Countrycrossing? Oh yes, snowboarding! And more :) Any of you that would like to join for some camping or snowboarding, lemme know! ~the more, aka. more merry~