
Meek News

Went Canada last weekend, partly for Ontario Deaf Volleyball Tourney. Some said, " Still coming to Canada, eh?". Yep, every chance, might eventually live there at some point, I was sure :) such as BC for summer, maybe.
It sure annoyed Jesse when I signed their signs, it was out of habit. Heck, you were on their soil. Suppose you were in Germany and you signed ASL, they would move off fast, hence, we got to adjust to its culture to get across to each other, wasn't that right?

Volleyball Tourney was short for 195's team,as they lose out. Only got to see much of game, only 3/4 of last one, didn't get to see much of old faces either. The location was terrible and barely enough room for fans. Unlike old time when it usually took place in Milton at ECD school, certainly one of best times.
Spent most of the time in Toronto, disappointingly, we forgot to stop by best Cheese store on Kensington Ave. Definitely would make a stop there when going up to Toronto during last week of Nov. to get my SIN (Social Insurance Numbers), its same as SSN (Social Security Numbers) in USA.
Until then......

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