

Throw out the idea of retiring on cruise or prison or at lest add it to the options....Lets retire on this Hotel POSEIDON, its entirely underwater at 20 meters depth!.. It will be opened on December 2006 in the Bahamas (plenty time for trials and flaws) .

Yet, we probably wont be able to afford it unless we were rich.. It cost $1250 a night (gulps)... that's much I could figure out of french post from the french guy's blog.


oneninefive said...

Ha! Putting us in more risk, what if some smart, but mean shark decides to ram into the glass or pick up a large rock and drop it onto the glass windows we will be doomed in seconds.

I would rather build a floating hotel out in the ocean. :)

proudpetite said...

I think any invention has its own pros and cons.

When you say the shark may be smart and mean in order to ram the windows, i'm sure the inventor thought of this and set up an emergency system to respond to that on top of other types of crisis. Lets look at the other way around that we have been living underwater for centuries, and the new invention is to build a tall apartment on the ground, I'm sure people would say what if the human pilot intends to crash into the building. oh, did that just happen in NYC?

As for this hotel poseidon, i think it's cool... but to be honest, i'd feel creeped out once living there. I'd rather be underground than under the sea. I just don't fit in with aqua :/

FrecklesFly said...

Yep theres an idea of floating hotel on that french guy's blog (http://123berlinson.blogspot.com/)
BTW..I found the link of this hotel on blog.. good news.. that link's all in english! (the cost in USD is actually $1,500!)

FrecklesFly said...

And Proudpetite,
Good point on pros and cons especially about tall building and plane! :)

FrecklesFly said...

the link is http://www.poseidonresorts.com/news.html

oneninefive said...

That Frenchman sure has interesting topics to talk about according to the pictures he posts, unfortunately I do not understand any French.

I tried Google Translate and translated the first post with the knight riding a horse and got this:

"The 11 frimaire of year XIV, 71.000 soldiers of the Large army put in rout in less than six hours the 91.000 men of the Russian and Austrian troops. The confrontation left 19.000 dead and wounded the with dimensions one overcome, 9.000 of the other. Regiments of volunteers from all Europe lived again, last Saturday the battle of Austerlitz, the largest historical spectacle napoléonien ever organized of memory of grognards. Imposing according to the 60 000 witnesses, only disappointment, the sun which had illuminated the battle on December 2, 2005 is ever raised on the covered site of snow."

You can even have Google translate the entire website:

Interesting eh? Google rules!