

Anyone got MySpace? What do you think of it? Some of my friends had one, almost all of them who had it didnt have Blogger. Nevertheless, I signed up for it so that I could keep in touch with some of my faraway friends.
At first, I was confused at how am I to personalize it as theres no selections and options in account setting except to use coding method. I was abit baffled at how some of my friends, who knew nothing about coding, did it. So I had to goggle up the tips and guideline of how to do it, at end, I managed to code it the way I like after the trails and errors. Needless to say, I later discover that there were several sites that do coding for you, thats how others did it. But I wasn't complaining as I learned some about web coding in process.
In overall, I truly prefer Blogger to MySpace as it got too much of layouts, ads, and so forth. Blogger kept things more simple and enjoyable so MySpace was hardly used by me but as drawingboard for coding ;)


xFf said...

Heck with myspace, xanga, whatever it is out there.. I like blogger and my webpage but it's screwed up, argh still need to fix it.

FrecklesFly said...

Looked like a good start and will be ahead by the time I learned to develop my own....that yet to come

Harry said...

I do have myspace account but haven't really work on it yet and alot people in my family and my sister's friends has it and they said they really love it.

FrecklesFly said...

Hiya Harry.. so u just join Blogger just to read other blogs? :)

Harry said...

I would do the blog myself but don't get to use the computer much anymore cuz my is messed up so have to use my sis s computer :)

Laural said...

i hate myspace because i'd get comments from losers and people who call themselves "baby"