
Too close for comfort

Updates on Hockey if some of ya haven't had the chance to follow up or just simply forgot about it :D

Edmonton 2 - Carolina 3

Lets see what Game 6 would bring, will Edmonton continuing to Game 7 or will Carolinas claim the Cup???


xFf said...

The Oilers will win!

oneninefive said...


Laural said...

go carolina!!

oneninefive said...

The most idiotic team won the cup! Can you believe that?

Hopefully Carolina is hit by a hurrican 20 times stronger than New Orleans had last summer, they deserve to be wiped off the face of Earth as well!

Buzzair said...

Stupid Edmonton defence..at the end of the 3rd period, they pull the goalie, thus having an extra man to control the puck and get a goal.

What does the defenceman do? Dumps the puck into the corner to NO ONE! and a Carolina player gets control of it and of course shoots it into the OPEN NET!

Retard!! Of course that seals the game and Edmonton then has no chance of tieing with the few remaining minutes left. Arg!!

Laural said...

you just proved that the Edmonton is the most idiotic team, Buzz :)

I'm a happy girl.

Buzzair said...

pfft..if they were the most idiotic team, they wouldn't have made it that far.

Just a bonehead move. :)